Sunday, July 25, 2010

Types of JIT Compiler

JIT (Just In Time) compiler converts non executable (MSIL) code to executable (native) code.This process is also called Dynamic Translation.
Following are the types of JIT compiler.

(1) PRE JIT Compiler
(2) ECONO JIT Compiler
(3) NORMAL JIT compiler

(1) PRE JIT Compiler

Pre-JIt compiler compiles complete source(MSIL)code to Native code in a single Compilation.

(2) ECONO JIT Compiler :

This compiler compiles only MSIL code of those methods that are called at Runtime.

(3) NORMAL JIT compiler:

This compiler compiles only MSIL code of those methods that are called at runtime and that converted (native) code is stored in cache.This happens because,when these methods called again it will retrieve code from cache itself without sending request to CLR.Thus,in turn saves much of executiom time