Command line handling is an important part for CUI based applications. Almost every modern programming language offers some way to handle command line arguments with ease.
Like every modern programming language, Golang also offers a package called “flag” to handle command line arguments. Lets dive into the details of flag package.
The main and most important concept in flag package is something called FlagSet.
Internally FlagSet is a struct type with methods to manage flags of various types. Check its documentation at
In flag package a function “NewFlagSet” available which has the following syntax.
flag.ContinueOnError - Application continues parsing of arguments even if error is encountered
flag.ExitOnError - Application exits with status code 2 on parsing error
flag.PanicOnError - Application panics on parsing error
You can see these constants define at
The method returns a pointer to a newly created variable of FlagSet type which can then be used to define flags. To add new flag, FlagSet struct has a method for various Golang types. One of them used to define int flag is described below.
There are similar methods for other types too. Checkout flag package documentation at for exhaustive list.
Now after understanding FlagSet and a way to add flags, we can create FlagSet.
After creating FlagSets we need to check that user has entered sufficient arguments using the following snippet.
Now we have to check for entered subcommand. We will use switch case here.
Next we need to check if subcommands are parsed. If any one of them parsed then we have to initiate some action related to it.
In this way, flag package can be used to handle command line arguments in Golang applications.
flag package contains some methods which are actually wrapper on FlagSet methods. Like we can directly call flag.Int() to define int flag. These methods internally uses a default FlagSet.
You can find complete example at
Like every modern programming language, Golang also offers a package called “flag” to handle command line arguments. Lets dive into the details of flag package.
The main and most important concept in flag package is something called FlagSet.
What is FlagSet:
If we consider our application name as a command then FlagSet represents a subcommand with flags associated with it or in other way every subcommand can be implemented using a separate FlagSet. Check the below git syntax.user add <username>Here in above syntax git is a main application with two subcommands called “add” and “commit”. Subcommand “add” doesn’t have any flag associated with it but “commit” has a flag “m” which modifies the behavior of subcommand.
user remove -d <username>
Internally FlagSet is a struct type with methods to manage flags of various types. Check its documentation at
In flag package a function “NewFlagSet” available which has the following syntax.
NewFlagSet(name, errorhandlingbehavior)In above syntax, first argument is name of flag in string format. Second argument is one of the constants from flag package to define error handling behavior.
flag.ContinueOnError - Application continues parsing of arguments even if error is encountered
flag.ExitOnError - Application exits with status code 2 on parsing error
flag.PanicOnError - Application panics on parsing error
You can see these constants define at
The method returns a pointer to a newly created variable of FlagSet type which can then be used to define flags. To add new flag, FlagSet struct has a method for various Golang types. One of them used to define int flag is described below.
Int(name string, value int, usage string) *intThis method defines an int flag. The first argument defines name of flag, second defines a default value and third defines a usage string for flag. It returns the address of an int variable that stores the value of flag.
There are similar methods for other types too. Checkout flag package documentation at for exhaustive list.
Now after understanding FlagSet and a way to add flags, we can create FlagSet.
addCommand := flag.NewFlagSet("add", flag.ExitOnError)In above snippet, we are creating two FlagSets addCommand and removeCommand. addCommand has a string flag called username and removeCommand has a Boolean flag called d.
userName := addCommand.String("name", "", "Name of user")
removeCommand := flag.NewFlagSet("remove", flag.ExitOnError)
removeDirectory := removeCommand.Bool("d", false, "Remove home directory of a user")
After creating FlagSets we need to check that user has entered sufficient arguments using the following snippet.
if len(os.Args) < 2 {
fmt.Println("Not sufficient arguments")
Now we have to check for entered subcommand. We will use switch case here.
switch os.Args[1] {In above code, we are calling a method Parse() of FlagSet if the command is entered. Parse() method actually parses the command line argument that we have in os.Args array. We are passing arguments from index 2 to the end of array because first argument is always name of executable program and second argument is our subcommand.
case "add":
case "remove":
fmt.Println("No Command parsed")
Next we need to check if subcommands are parsed. If any one of them parsed then we have to initiate some action related to it.
if addCommand.Parsed() {Parsed() method returns boolean value based on parsing status of FlagSet.
fmt.Println("add subcommand entered")
if *userName != "" {
fmt.Println("Username:", *userName)
} else {
fmt.Println("No username entered")
if removeCommand.Parsed() {
fmt.Println("remove subcommand entered")
if *removeDirectory == true {
fmt.Println("Home directory of user is removed")
} else {
fmt.Println("Home directory of user is not removed")
In this way, flag package can be used to handle command line arguments in Golang applications.
flag package contains some methods which are actually wrapper on FlagSet methods. Like we can directly call flag.Int() to define int flag. These methods internally uses a default FlagSet.
You can find complete example at
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